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365 Day Project {237-251}

237-365 Today was my 27th birthday and I got the chance to do the most amazing styled shoot with my sister Alea <3

238-365 You are getting to be such a big girl. In the mornings after we drop both sisters off at school I make you breakfast, give you your sippy cup and you crawl onto the couch all by yourself and watch your shows. I love you so much big girl <3

239-365 A baby with her baby <3

240-365 You are so spunky and full of laughter and goofiness !

241-365 You can always tell when I almost forgot to take a picture for the day because I usually run out and take a picture of the sunset. The sky never fails me :O).

242-365 You love to read even though you can really read yet. You are getting so good at recognizing words! I always catch you outside on the patio or in your tree house with a book!

243-365 You LOVE to pretend to do somersaults like your big sisters!

244-365 Every time you see my camera or phone you immediately do your "cheese" face! It cracks me up!

245-365 Chillin at Nan's house waiting for Nan to be done grilling.

246-365 These two are ALWAYS together whether buddy likes it or not haha! Buddy is an old man and Hazel really could care less. She makes him play anyways!

247-365 I love these pictures because it shows pure childhood joy. What kid doesnt like playing in a laundry basket?

248-365 When I was little the monkey bars were a HUGE part of my childhood. To say I was obsessed with them would be an understatement. I remember begging to go to the park to play on them. I would spend the entire time at the park on the monkey bars. I constantly had blisters all over my hands but that never stopped me. Now my oldest is just as obsessed! She comes home everyday telling me about how good she is getting on them. It makes me happy and brings back awesome memories!

249-365 We got stuck in some pretty nasty traffic on the way home from Phoenix. So we stopped at a little gas station to take a break and of course had to take some pictures. And yes that is my daughter pretending to hold a shot gun lol!

250-365 You love to be in the playroom and explore and climb on all the furniture.

251-365 My silly girls playing on their swing set. We played treasure hunt and this was what they found for me <3

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